Education - Around the Globe


Program Correlation to United Nations (SDG's)

Education (formal and informal) serves as a critical component for individual wellness and is a catalyst to ending cycles of generational poverty. Many parents in rural areas of third world countries are forced to make a decision between having their children work at a very early age to help feed the family or send their children for education with hopes that they will be able to eat and the education will benefit them in the near future.
This is a decision that no parent or guardian should have to face. To assist in eradicating these circumstances, Global Civic Preservation works with community leaders, parents and their children to provide them with an alternate solution that will provide food for the family to eat and allow for the children to receive education. This becomes a WIN WIN situation for present day while the child's education provides the knowledge and skills that leads to productivity, individual wellness and a positive perspective that will benefit generations that follow.
How We Help Combat Poverty with Education
Getting children and youth to attend school for an education requires us to provide nutritious food and water that sustains their lives as well as the lives of their families. Children must eat nutritous meals to keep their bodies strong which allows them to focus on the school work and not on being hungry. These children also need the basic requirements to attend school which their families often cannot provide. With your help by TAKING ACTION we can make a positive difference TOGETHER.
Feeding Program - Provides nourishing meals for the students and their family
Uniforms - Provides the required uniforms, shoes and backpacks / school bags
School Supplies - Notebooks, textbooks, pens, pencils, calculators etc.
Study Aids - Youth Programs, tutoring and educational workshops
Financial Support - School Fees and transportation costs
Scholarships - College and University assistance and Vocational Training
Global Civic Preservation partners with various schools and communities around the globe to make a positive impact on the lives of our youth that will transcend to generations to follow. Our partnerships and alliance in the communities and schools assist us in providing programs and services to benefit the students, staff and local and global community. We provide the following programs and services in these partnerships:
School Supplies
Sponsored Assemblies and Programs
Reading and Tutoring
Essay Writing Contests
Spelling Bee's
International Pen Pal Program
Rewarding Excellence Program
Exposure and Awareness Excursions

Education - United States
Global Civic Preservation establishes alliances and partnerships with schools, organizations and communities to facilitate various programs and services to increase the academic performance of students. We work with these institutions and communities to assist in increasing students scholastic aptitude and academic performance which assists in improving the Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT) scores that directly correlate to the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) on a local and national level. We work with Title One (1) schools for disadvantaged children to provide assistance to increase their academic performance. These program efforts are directly aligned with the national "Race to the Top" and "No Child Left Behind" initiatives.
Our partnerships provide us the opporunity to promote and implement innovative and fun educational challenges that promote critical-thinking skills, literacy, numeracy and positive social skills. We provide the following programs and services:
School Supplies
Sponsored Assemblies and Programs
Reading and Tutoring
Essay Writing Contests
Spelling Bee's
International Pen Pal Program
Rewarding Excellence Program
Exposure and Awarenss Excursions