A Youth and Community Inspired Collaboration
TOGETHER We Can Make a Positive Difference
There are many ways and opportunities for you to TAKE ACTION and assist us in making a positive difference with our youth and communities. There are also various ways that you can support us and our local and global communities in your daily routines. See our "Ways to Support Us" below to see how your daily life and spending can help the youth and communities that GCP serves.
Ways to Support us:
Make a Donation :
Shop at AmazonSmile and support our programs and services to help our youth and communities
You can make a positive difference in the lives of our youth and our communities whenever you shop at smile.amazon.com. Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase price to Global Civic Preservation.
AmazonSmile is the Amazon that you're already familiar with and has the same products, services and prices... except now your shopping provides us with a charitable contribution. You must use smile.amazon.com for GCP to receive the charitable contribution from AmazonSmile
Recycle at Planet Green Recycling and SAVE THE PLANET and PRESERVE OUR YOUTH and COMMUNITIES
Recycle your electronics and printer cartridges and save the planet while helping us preserve our youth and communities.
Your recycling and purchasing recycled products from Planet Green helps to save the planet and assists Global Civic Preservation in its fundraising efforts to provide our services to our local and global communities.
Your recycling efforts and purchases are a WIN WIN situation for us ALL. Find out more and recycle today by clicking on the icon below.